4 Causes of Hair Loss and How to Stop Them!

I don’t know about you guys, but the thought of losing hair sounds pretty scary. However, the truth is that shedding and hair loss are normal. I mean, look at your brushes, they tell it all. Now the problem comes in when you’re losing a significant amount of hair and...
Need Volume? No problem!

Big hair has always been a big trend, however it’s hard for some of us to jump on the bandwagon. It’s not that we don’t want to join the rest of the crowd, it’s just that we happen to suffer from the chronicles of flat hair. This can be a...
What NOT To Do With Your Hair Extensions

Extensions can be your best friend or your worst enemy; it honestly all depends on how you care for them. Although some of us have experience with hair extensions, it does not mean we have mastered the maintenance part. You might know how you want to style your extensions and...
Have You Ever Wanted to Start Your Own Hair Company?

3 Great Reasons to Wear Hair Extensions